Books Backburnered: 2 (Erdemen Honor 4, as yet untitled, plus a new standalone)
Short Stories Published: 4 (none in 2015)
Short Stories in Progress: 2
Blog Posts: 115 (25 in 2015)
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2016 Writing Goals:
I tend to be wildly overoptimistic about how much I can get done and how quickly I can write and edit, then berate myself when I don’t achieve those goals. I’m trying to be realistic. Life and other responsibilities take a lot of time, and I haven’t quite mastered getting up at 5:00 to write. I can get up, but my brain doesn’t engage. I have a regular babysitter now, who has been a lifesaver, but most of the time the kids are with her has been spent on consulting work.
Rather than a word count goal, I’m setting these general goals for 2016:
- Publish A Long-Forgotten Song Book 3 (it’s SO CLOSE!). It’s almost through editing, so I’m aiming for a late March/early April publication date
- Outline A Long-Forgotten Song Book 4 (April-May)
- Draft A Long-Forgotten Song Book 4 (June-Sept)
- Outline the standalone novel (September-October)
- Start the draft of the standalone novel (October-December)
- Take another look at Erdemen Honor 4
- Write 15 short stories
- Put together the first SpringSong Press anthology. (July?)
Hm. Written out like that, it looks a bit ambitious.