The Lord of Dreams is in a clean fantasy StoryBundle! Here’s the official announcement:
THE CLEAN FANTASY BUNDLE – Curated by Emily Martha Sorensen
Emily says:
My favorite books are the kind that you can pick up at any age, old or young, love when you first read them, and then continue to enjoy for decades to come. What’s even better is when you know you can hand them to anyone in your family and share the fun together.
Here you will find a bundle of those books in many varieties of fantasy. Some are set in our world. Some are set in others. Some are aimed at young adult readers. Some are aimed at adults. All are clean and appropriate for anyone over the age of thirteen.
Prophecy and Secrets of Fathara bring you tales of epic fantasy adventures.
Curse Breaker: Enchanted and Dragon Eggs: The Complete Series show main characters struggling to parent a small child alongside complications that arise from their magical reality.
A Fairy Tale and The Lord of Dreams show the dangers (and great fun!) of adventuring into the realm of the fae.
Schooled in Magic holds a unique magic school with a protagonist from our world.
Horrid / Harbor weaves a delightful original fairy tale.
The Virgo Curse and Aquarius is a young adult paranormal romance with no vampires in sight (gasp!), only a magic system with terrible consequences.
Decision Points is a young adult anthology featuring short stories by Kevin J. Anderson, Lois McMaster Bujold, Orson Scott Card, and many other excellent authors.I invite you to dive into these adventures that are easy to share with others in your life. – Emily Martha Sorensen
Head on over for details about how to purchase some or all of these books for a fantastic price! This bundle is available only for a limited time via http://storybundle.com/cleanfantasy. You can, of course, always find The Lord of Dreams on Amazon and other retailers (including as an audiobook!). I haven’t read the other books in the bundle, but you can see reviews on the page where you check out. Which of the books are you most looking forward to reading?
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