
4 posts

Honor’s Heir: Erdemen Honor (Book 3)

At long last, Honor’s Heir is available! I’ve been working on this book for a long time, and it finally came together just in time for Awesome Con DC. I love the cover art, and I made some tiny changes to update the covers of The King’s Sword and A Cold Wind for consistency. You can read an excerpt here, as well as find the purchase links for Amazon, B&N, Smashwords, etc. A special thanks goes out to my Kickstarter supporters! Without their support, publication would have been delayed (well, more than it already was). I also got some great […]

Title Reveal: Honor’s Heir (Erdemen Honor Book 3)

I finally have a title! The completed almost-final draft is off to one of my beta readers/my editor right now and I should have it back by the end of the week. I’m on track to publish it by Awesome Con DC in April. AND I should have a cover to reveal soon! Here’s a snippet from the near the beginning: The summer I turned twelve, my friend Tirta, his cousin Dathlo, and I were given the second significant test. Otso-ka decreed that we would steal wolf cubs. They would be raised until they were nearly adults and then killed […]

Erdemen Honor Book3 Kickstarter!

A Cold Wind is in final formatting for publication next week. I’m really excited about the book – I’ve had some great reactions from my early readers. The story is special to me, and I hope you love it as much as I do. I’m also working on Book3 in the Erdemen Honor series, as yet untitled. Please check out the Kickstarter project here. The rewards include options for ebooks and signed paperback versions of all three books – The King’s Sword, A Cold Wind, and Book3 when it’s finished – as well as three short stories set in the same […]